Hawaii Family Medical Centers dba Kuhio Medical Center
Notice of Privacy Practices
本通知描述了如何使用和披露有关您的受保护医疗信息,以及您可以如何访问这些信息. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY.
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers 联邦法律是否允许使用和披露您受保护的健康信息. 受保护的健康信息(PHI)是识别您的身份并与您的过去相关的信息, present, or future health care. Examples of uses and disclosures of your PHI are:
- For treatment – (a) the provision, coordination, or management of health care and related services by health care providers; (b) consultation between health care provides relating to a patient; or (c) the referral of a patient for health care from one health care provider to another.
- For payment – (a) billing and collection activities and related data processing; (b) actions by a health plan or insurer to obtain premiums or to determine or fulfill its responsibilities for coverage and provision of benefits under its health plan or insurance agreement, determinations of eligibility or coverage, adjudication or subrogation or health benefit claims; (c) medical necessity and appropriateness of care reviews, utilization review activities; (d) disclosure to consumer reporting agencies of information relating to collection of premiums or reimbursement.
- For health care operations – (a) development of clinical guidelines; (b) contacting patients with information about treatment alternatives or communications in connection with case management or care coordination; (c) reviewing the qualifications of and training health care professionals; (d) underwriting and premium rating; (e) medical review, legal services, and auditing functions; (f) general administrative activities such as customer service and data analysis.
- At times, Hawaii Family Medical Centers 可能需要使用或分享您的PHI为您自己的利益或服务于公众利益, or when the law says we have to. In these cases, we’ll use and share only the smallest amount of PHI needed. Examples include:
- For public health activities
- 在医疗紧急情况下(例如,如果你失去知觉)或救灾时
- With our business associates (BA’s) or business partners
- 为了患者安全,例如披露虐待、忽视或家庭暴力受害者的情况.
- 用于卫生监督活动,如审计、合规调查和检查.
- For judicial and administrative proceedings
- For law enforcement purposes
- For military and veterans activities
- 筹集资金——夏威夷家庭医疗中心不要求病人为自己筹集资金
- 到惩教机构和其他执法羁押情况
- 对于提供公共福利的政府项目所涵盖的实体,
- For workers compensation.
- To respond to organ donor or tissue donation requests
- To coroners, medical examiners, or funeral directors, if applicable
- For health research, as permitted by law
- 与你的家人、朋友和其他人一起照顾你,除非你反对
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers may share your PHI with your written authorization. Uses and sharing of psychotherapy notes, some uses and sharing for marketing, and sharing that involves sale of your PHI will need your authorization. 您也可以书面授权我们与您指定的人使用或分享您的个人信息. You may end your authorization in writing at any time. We’ll honor your request unless the PHI has already been shared. 除非获得您的书面授权,否则我们不会出于法律不允许或本通知中未描述的原因使用或共享您的PHI.
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers, or one of our contracted business associates, 可能会联系您以提供预约提醒或有关护理方案或您可能感兴趣的其他健康相关福利和服务的信息.
- You have the following rights regarding your protected health information, which may require a written request from you:
- 要求限制您受保护的健康信息的某些使用和披露的权利. Hawaii Family Medical Centers is not required to agree to a requested restriction, however.
- 有权收到有关您受保护的健康信息的保密通信. We will agree to all reasonable requests.
- The right to inspect and request a copy your protected health information, as provided in the Privacy Regulation, including the right to receive electronic copies of this information. 我方保留向贵方收取合理的复印费用的权利, labor, and postage, as allowed by law.
- The right to request an amendment of your protected health information, as provided in the Privacy Regulation.
- 有权收到关于您受保护的健康信息披露的说明.
- 有权要求有关您的治疗和服务的信息不发送给您的健康保险公司, if you pay out-of-pocket in full for the cost of treatment and services.
- 有权要求提供您所合法代理的儿童的免疫状况证明(1).e. 根据你的口头或书面协议,孩子的父母或法定监护人将被送往学校.
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers 法律是否要求维护您受保护的健康信息的隐私,并向您提供有关您受保护的健康信息的法律责任和隐私实践通知. If we become aware of an unauthorized access, use, 或泄露受保护的健康信息,导致信息泄露, we will promptly notify you as required by law.
- You may complain to Hawaii Family Medical Centers 如果您认为您的隐私权受到侵犯,请向卫生与公众服务部(DHHS)部长举报. 关于如何提出投诉的简要说明如下:你必须以书面形式提交投诉, by mail, to the Clinic Manager or the Privacy Official at Hawaii Family Medical Centers. 投诉必须指明作为投诉主体的实体,并描述被认为违反适用隐私法或本隐私政策的适用要求的行为或不作为. 投诉必须在您知道或应该知道所投诉的作为或不作为发生之日起180天内由我们收到或提交给国土安全部部长. 如果你选择投诉,我们向你保证,我们不会以任何方式报复.
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers’ contact person for matters relating to complaints is:
- Clinic Manager at (808) 245-8874 ext.11, 3-3295 Kuhio Hwy., Lihue, HI 96766 or;
- Privacy Official at (808) 948-5449 or (800) 749-4672, 818 Keeaumoku Street, 8-CE, Honolulu, HI 96814 or
- 致函:美国卫生与公众服务部:美国国土安全部民权办公室,第七街90号., Suite 4-100, San Francisco, CA 94103
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers is required to abide by the terms of this Notice, and we reserve the right to modify this notice at any time.
- Hawaii Family Medical Centers 在本通知有任何重大修改后,将在首次交付服务时向您提供修订后的通知. A copy will be provided to you at any time upon request.
- This Notice went into effect on 4/14/2003, last revision December 2017